Pastor Phil McCutchen

Making Sugar Water or Making A Difference

“Give everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” Romans 13:7

In this blog, I just want to pause and give recognition to a ministry at BCC that has changed lives for 22 years. This past Thursday night, our school staff gathered at the CNE Community Center for a Bethany Christian Academy teacher appreciation dinner. My wife Cheri, Susan Pfeffer & Rhonda Wert lead this wonderful team of teachers and office personnel. I have a front row seat to the dedication of this amazing group every day. What the BCA team does day in and day out is an example of great human sacrifice and the power of a miracle working God.

Everybody involved at BCA could go make 2,3 or 4 times the amount of money they make investing in the lives of students, but they cheerfully turn that down to be difference makers. It reminds me of that famous quote by Steve Jobs when he was trying to lure John Scully away from Pepsi to be the CEO of Apple. Scully was best known for the “Pepsi Challenge.” Jobs said to Scully, “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?”

Recently, I sat at Danielle Caughey & Karl Helstrom’s wedding rehearsal dinner. I sat across from Steve & Becky (Caughey) Norton. Steve & Becky are BCA graduates who are serving God and deeply involved in their church. Steve is now an engineer with the State of Connecticut and Becky works for Travelers Insurance. Last weekend, Johnny Norton, Steve’s brother, joined at the driving range to hit some golf balls. Johnny is another BCA grad. I was impressed with Johnny’s poise and his obvious deep faith in Jesus Christ (Johnny is doing an internship with a Boston accounting firm this summer). It occurred to me that the staff at BCA mentored these young men who lost their father tragically, early in life. It also occurred to me that we must pause and give these difference makers a standing ovation for being willing to metaphorically, “change the world,” instead of “selling sugar water.”

Perhaps someone reading this will want to make sure I know that the people I am mentioning aren’t perfect or have made bad decisions. Please don’t tell me, because (News Flash:) I am not prefect and have made some really bad decisions too and you will make me feel bad. I also realize that some of us can’t or simply don’t choose to send your children to a Christian school. For the record we firmly believe that parents are still the most important influence in a child’s life. My intent is not to advocate anything or claim anyone’s superiority. This is called, “giving honor to whom honor is due.”

So please join me today in an act of thanksgiving for some truly great servants that we are privileged to have in our lives. May we all strive to do something bigger with our lives than, “make sugar water.”