Pastor Phil McCutchen

Category: Church & Culture

Total 5 Posts

Authenticity: The Challenge of Our Times

I believe that being authentic is among the greatest leadership challenge of our times. Courtney Whiting, in her excellent article entitled, “The Problem with Being Authentic said, “Traditionally, the word “authentic” referred to a work of art that was original to the creator. In essence, it was something that genuine

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Are our boys alright?

(An article entitled, “The Boys Are Not All Right” by Esther O’Reilly, an excellent writer for “Patheos” inspired my title, although I take a different approach.  You can check Esther’s article out at. 1 John 2:14  I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the

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Can worship be patriotic?

There was a time when singing the National Anthem carried with it a sense of reverence and made the sentimental among us misty eyed.  On the Sunday before the fourth of July, it was common for churches to weave patriotic songs and historical readings into the liturgy.  Nothing felt incongruent

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Going back to the Bible

A few nights ago, I watched a video podcast with four highly respected intellectuals struggling with the new orthodoxies currently being enshrined in the hallowed halls of academia. They were despondent over the fact that postmodernism, which originally said, there was no truth and that truth was merely a social

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