Pastor Phil McCutchen

What is our ending, will it be beautiful?

Elyse, my awesome eleven-year-old daughter is a fan of The Barlow Girls.  Recently I noticed these poignant lyrics of one of their songs,

 “So tell me, what is our ending?

Will it be beautiful?

Will it be beautiful?”

I went on YouTube, watched and listened as they explained what was behind the lyrics of that song.  They were thinking about the many great ministries that had started out great but ended in disgrace.  They were asking about whether their own, currently successful ministry would end in tragedy, or would they finish spiritually and morally on top.

I have some insight on why ministry leaders lives and ministries don’t end beautifully but most of my audience doesn’t live in ministry world like I do, so those insights wouldn’t really help you. However certain rules apply whether you are an Insurance broker trying to lead a healthy spiritual life or a pastoral staff member.

Rule #1: Find happiness in things that have nothing to do with your work.

When our work or our public ministry becomes our idol we damage the things that will matter the most in the end.  There will be inevitable breakdowns in family relationships, health, or mental stability when our life’s satisfaction is tied only to the success of our careers.  If the only time you can be happy is when you are achieving there’s a hurricane in your forecast.

Rule #2 Guard your inner world & your intimate relationships

I don’t care if you are a building contractor or church leader if you carry around unresolved bitterness, uncontrolled sexual lust, un-forgiveness or rage, your private world will eventually emerge. The bible says, “be sure your sin will find you out.”  If there’s anything going on inside of you that you wouldn’t want shouted from the housetop, go today and find a safe person to confess too, who will help you work it out.  If you are not dead, it’s not to late.

Rule # 3 Be as amazing and successful at your work or public ministry as you can possible be.

Now, I know you are thinking, wait a minute I thought you wanted us to put all the emphasis on our private world and our intimate relationships.  What I want you to do is be balanced.  Balance is what is beautiful.  Every architect, every artist, every photographer and every interior designer knows that they key to visual beauty is balance.  Some people don’t end beautifully because they get sloppy and undisciplined in their work.  I can destroy my ministry by neglecting it and that’s not my idea of a beautiful ending. It might be noble that I wanted to show my family that they’re important but, in case you haven’t noticed, the family really likes it when you and I go off to work.

Here’s one of my favorite all time verses. It may be my favorite verse in the bible.  It’s found in Ecclesiastes 7:18  “It’s good to hold on to the one and not let go of the other, because the one who fears God will be able to avoid both extremes.”

Think for a minute, “what have I let go of?” My love for my spouse, my prayer life, my enjoyment of hobbies, time with my children, or the pursuit of professional excellence in my work.  Promise me that you will do one thing within the next twenty-four hours to get a handle on that neglected priority. I really want to you end up “beautiful.”

1 Comment

  1. Melissa

    September 23, 2012 - 2:44 pm

    This is interesting Pastor, I have heard that Barlow Girls song many times and I always thought that line was referring to end times.

    Also, I will have to read Ecclesiastes 7:18 in its context, I don’t totally understand what it is saying.

    Thanks for taking the time to blog!