Pastor Phil McCutchen

4 Reasons to stop fearing evil

Psalms 23:4 I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

No one has to tell you there is evil in the world. We can see evil in groups like ISIS that are indiscriminately killing anyone who stands in their way, especially Christians. We can see evil in our political parties, as at times they seem to be manipulating crisis in order to reach for more power. We can see evil in legislation and court decisions that show no regard for the Judeo Christian influence that was intended in our Constitution. We can see evil in the uncontrolled lifestyles of the masses. But what you may not be thinking about is that going along with evil is not the only wrong response to evil; fearing evil can also be evil.

Rev. 21:8 groups the fearful in with murderers and fornicators. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

“In Germany in the 1930s, there was a very high level of anxiety. The primary source of this anxiety, but not the only one, related to the chaotic economic conditions. The Germans are an intelligent and well-educated people. But as their anxiety went up, they were increasingly attracted to the simplistic ideas of the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler, who offered, as the cause of Germany’s problems, Jews, communists, homosexuals, and others whom he saw as social misfits who diluted the quality of what he called, ‘the pure Aryan race.’” Ronald W. Richardson, Creating a healthier church: Family systems theory, leadership and congregational life.

We are in a perfect storm of uncertainty right now and that’s the most treacherous kind of fear. It’s much easier to control our fear when it’s clear what the threat is, but fear turns to anxiety when there is room for guessing and anxiety can be a dangerous emotion. So, I humbly give you the following cautions about being afraid of evil.

1. Since fear itself can be evil, we may end up trying to conquer evil with evil

You can disagree with a court decision, you can even call it evil, but fear of that decision can lead to justifying all kinds of bad behavior, even murder. Stay off the slippery slope of hysteria.

2. Emotionality disrupts clarity

Calmness is a fruit of the spirit we call peace. Our early church fathers served God and built churches during the reign of Nero; yet, we see them calmly building the church without even so much as giving the Roman Emperor a Biblical passage, much less a whole book of the Bible. I am positive that today someone would secretly write the book of Nero.

3. Evil plans always eventually implode from within

I agree we should be proactive in working against evil as often as we can, especially in a democratic society. However, always be mindful of the fact that evil is by nature self destructive. There’s no doubt in my mind that Nazism would have imploded under the weight of it’s own irrationality, even if they had won the war. Even the terrifying Antichrist and the dreaded “Mark of the Beast” will only be in force for 42 months. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Devil!

4. Duh, God is with us!

Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.” Isaiah 35:3-4