Pastor Phil McCutchen


Psalm 119:98 Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies.

The French Enlightenment did a tragic thing to our philosophy of education and has proceeded to shape the philosophy of higher learning for Europe and the entire Western world. The “Enlightenment” deified human reasoning and therefore made the ability to think one’s way to conclusions the summit of human development. “I think therefore I am” became the motto of modern man. “Self Realization” became the goal of education, not divine revelation. God’s instruction is now viewed as archaic remnants from less evolved humans when in truth it is still the summit of wisdom because it is not dependent on flawed human reasoning, but on an all wise and all loving deity who is trying to save us from ourselves. “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.” We humans are are continually thinking our way to wrong conclusions. That doesn’t mean we should stop reasoning but our thoughts just don’t contain ultimate truth. Why? Because God has all the information, we don’t

I feel like I am spitting in the wind and like the adult in Charlie Brown’s voice going Wa Waa Waa Waaa. Secularist can’t hear me because they associate me with a political “Religious Right,” whom they feel want to take them back to the dark ages where religion is fused with government to keep society ignorant. Many Christians can’t hear me because “commandment loving” sounds anti-grace. For the record, I have never said that any of us will ever perfectly keep all of God’s commandments or that we can be good enough to get into heaven. All I am simply contending is that God knows best and the Bible is the revelation of Gods superior knowledge. The command to love and be loyal to Christ is the ultimate command of God, but we don’t find Christ without God revealing Him to us. In my opinion there are many other truths that require revelation.

I have come to doubt that I can convince those of you who are truly committed to humanism. I am no longer optimistic that I can persuade a majority who reside in the “City of Man” to move to the “City of God.” Perhaps I can encourage those of you who feel alone, as I sometimes do, in world that not only thinks we’re crazy but also thinks we’re out to hurt them. Don’t undervalue your role as a “prophet.” Be willing to love those who will totally misunderstand your love. Don’t be a hater even if they call you one. Don’t be that angry guy whose always publicly calling everybody out. Be steady and sweet. Be willing to be light and salt in a dark and decaying place. In the end, God’s revelation will prevail over human reasoning. In the end the world will know that this all wise Biblical God really loved them.